I spent my entire life in search of the beauties surrounding me...
I found many but the end is still far away
An eye on the world, from New Zealand to Scotland, from Japan to Norway
People & Urban
Portraying people means to tell the stories. A collection of Urban life around the world and of Creative Portraits
Landscape videos
Landscape is our home and our task is to preserve and rediscover it
Time-lapse videos
In search of the meaning of “time”, spending hours, days, months in search of the perfect light
Personal Projects
This is about the discovery of ourselves and it’s a neverending journey
I’ve been working on the video/photo field for 15 years. I’ve always loved to share my knowledge
because sharing is the best way to improve together day by day

The most important aspect of teaching is “to connect minds”
to reach a deeper level and unveil our creativity

Time-lapse, Photography and filmmaking, Landscape, Portraiture, I will follow you from the first steps to an advanced level
The Manuscripts are my textual form of expression. I love to tell stories and sometimes I feel like I need further tools to do that. That’s why since May 2018 I started my personal diary where I can share stories, thoughts and feelings I put aside during my wandering around the world

Manuscript #5 (10th March) – WTorneremo a fare queste cose Torneremo a viaggiare, torneremo ad abbracciarci, a brindare, a baciarci. Torneremo a dire che siamo italiani senza il timore di essere guardati con diffidenza […]

Manuscript #4 (20th February) – Ci sono cose che abbiamo perso l’abitudine di osservare: vi siete mai resi conto di quanto la Luna sia in grado di rischiarare il buio notturno? […]

Clients & Supporters
These are a few selected companies I’ve worked and collaborated with during the last years